Check out what we have been doing since last update

We started selling kit airplanes in april, what happened then?

We opened our order books in april this year and got a lot of interest from different places of the world but we haven't yet sold those five kits that's needed for us to start production.

Video update

We started selling kit airplanes in april, what happened then?

Dan Johnson writes article about LN-3 Seagull

05 April 2024

The well known aircraft journalist Dan Johnson has written an article about the LN-3 Seagull. He recognizes the advantage of tandem seating: "Why would this be useful? I can think of several reasons but one is that you can simply paddle your way to shore; the pilot can access both sides. No bow thrusters are needed; weight is saved."

Super News!

24 March 2024

Now we have opened our order book!

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