This is why LN-3 works
The Team behind LN-3 are all experienced engineers with decades of joint Experience in flying of single engine airplanes and gliders.
The story behind Flygfabriken
It all started with Lage's design ideas back from the 80's...
We started working full time with developing and building the airplane LN-3 Seagull in 2005. It was a matured design all ready then. Lage made the first drawings for the airplane in 1983, and one of the raw model air plane was the Seabee.
In 2007 we displayed the airplane on a Roll out in the local concert hall Tonhallen in Sundsvall. We flew the first time in 2008(still flying), in the beginning with a strutted wing and titanium landing gear. Since then the design has evolved and today the airplane have a cantilever wing, easily removed. Carbon fiber in most of the construction including the landing gear.
It's a nice flying airplane with very good performance and a totally unobstructed, hard to beat, view from the cockpit.
Flygfabriken was founded 2005
Flygfabriken was founded in 2005 by the Norberg family with the goal to develop Lage's own designed airplane the LN-3 Seagull. Lage, Tomas and Staffan have together a lot of flight experience from many different type of airplanes.

Staffan Norberg
Civil engineer and FI(S),

Tomas Norberg
Mechanical engineer, FI(S) and FI(A),